For A Best Electrolysis Experience Follow These Before & After Treatment Care Tips
The following recommendations are a great start to keep your skin healthy and your electrolysis treatments more effective.
Before your treatment
Drink plenty of water 2-3 days of before your treatment
Water, water ... Well-hydrated tissues surrounding the hair follicles down in the skin allows the hairs to release easier during a treatment. This contributes to a more comfortable and efficient experience for the client.
Additionally, avoiding or minimizing caffeine and other dehydrating beverages the night before and on the day of your appointment is helpful. This helps maximize tissue hydration, which in turn enhances comfort and relaxation during the treatment.
​Enhance your treatment experience by arriving early
Rushing can trigger adrenaline and stress, which may hinder relaxation and affect your comfort.
Arriving 5-10 min early provides a buffer, allowing you to transition smoothly into the session. You can also use this time to visit the restroom for added comfort before your session begins.
Your punctuality is valued by your electrologist, ensuring that you receive your full appointment time without any rush or disruption. This thoughtful approach contributes to a more relaxed and effective treatment experience.
Arrive with sufficient hair length
Hair which is too short takes up valuable treatment time and compromises accuracy.
Also, blond or white hairs may need to be slightly longer.
Come to your appointment clean and fresh
Please refrain from wearing thick foundation makeup on the face or deodorant on underarms to your appointment to maximize valuable treatment time.​
Additionally, a light exfoliation is desirable if dry, dead skin cells buildup are blocking the opening the hairs are growing from.
Please avoid tweezing between appointments.
"Only tweeze the hairs you want to keep." If preferred, hair may be trimmed but must be present with a few days of growth to be treated effectively.
Tweezing delays progress because it takes several weeks to months for a replacement hair to appear from that same follicle. Refraining from tweezing radically improves progress and effectiveness of your treatments.
If you are shaving or trimming ...
You may continue to shave or trim. Shaving does not make the hairs larger in diameter but instead cuts off the natural tapered end of the hair that every new hair grows in with. Be sure to provide a few days growth.
Immediately after treatment
Immediate in office post-treatment care
We wipe the treated skin with an antiseptic and apply a cooling gel.
Please refrain from contaminating freshly treated skin with your hands.
What is normal after a treatment?
Following post-care home instructions will help minimize after-effects
Pinkness/redness, swelling should be viewed as the actions of healthy skin repairing itself as fast as possible. The degree to which these reactions occur differs greatly between individuals. The treated area will likely appear to return to normal within a short period of time for fine to medium diameter hairs.
Also, a warm sensation and/or short-lived tingly sensation may occur depending on area.
All people are different in the way they heal. Following post-care instructions will help to minimize these aftereffects.
The eyebrow area can be somewhat prone to an occasional bruise due to the presence of tiny blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Also, individuals who take certain supplements or blood thinners may bruise easier. Recommend arnica cream applied several times a day to help the rare small bruise disappear faster.​
Taking care of your skin post-electrolysis is crucial for optimal results and avoiding complications.
​Apply antiseptic: help prevent infection by wiping with witch hazel or other antiseptic several times during the day post-treatment.
​​​Avoid touching: Prevent infection by not touching, rubbing, scratching, or picking at the treated area until fully healed. Tiny, isolated crusts if any should be allowed to drop off naturally without interference. If you need to touch, ensure your hands are freshly cleansed.
Be kind to your skin: No shaving or dermaplaning or application of strong skin actives such as retinoids, acids, vitamin C, etc. on freshly treated area until healed.
Cold compress: If needed, use a cold compress or ice pack to help reduce swelling and redness.
Sun protection: Concerning sunburn and hypo-pigmentation, best to avoid sun or shade treated area for first 48 hours, then use a broad-spectrum UVA-UVB SPF 30 or greater sunscreen, reapplying every two hours when in direct sun. Some ethnicities may have a greater tendency to hypo-pigment than others.
Activity: Steer clear of any activity which causes over heating or sweating until healed.​
Management of visible hair growth between treatments: For best results use scissors or shave hair between treatments. NEVER tweeze, thread, wax, as these methods can extend the overall treatment duration. If you find managing visible hair between treatments, consider asking about shorter, more frequent appointments.